AtWork!’s CEO Chris Brandt has been appointed to the AbilityOne Commission by President Biden August 16, 2021 – Posted in: Global News

Chris Brandt, CEO of AtWork! was officially sworn in today, August 16, 2021, as a Citizen Commissioner to the U.S. AbilityOne Commission.

“I am honored to have the opportunity to work with my fellow appointees and other members of the AbilityOne Commission to further equity and justice for people with disabilities, including those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). Often denied the basic employment rights most citizens take for granted, people with I/DD are employed at much lower rates when compared with the general public and even to people with other disabilities. Federal contracting provides an avenue for people with significant disabilities to succeed, have a career, and escape the poverty that entraps so many of our fellow citizens. I am eager to share my experiences supporting people with I/DD to obtain competitive integrated employment and demonstrating to other nonprofits that they can do the same. Together, with the Biden Administration’s commitment to CIE and equity for people with disabilities, I believe we will effect positive change that creates more job opportunities within the government contracting sector and beyond.” – Chris Brandt, CEO of AtWork!

Read the Official Statement from the White House

Read the Official Statement from Roll Call