Cody got a job at ServiceMaster Clean! November 16, 2017 – Posted in: Happy Dances
Meet Cody – our first success story in Spokane!
Cody came to AtWork! 3 weeks ago looking for full time employment with benefits. His goal was to be able to move out on his own…
lease his own apartment and also purchase a vehicle to get to and from work or whatever destination he chooses. Cody had a work history in custodial and janitorial services and he wished to continue that career path.
During our short time with Cody, we successfully advocated for DVR (Division of Vocational Rehabilitation) to financially assist to have his license renewed, and found him employment at ServiceMaster Clean working as a Cleaning Crew Member. This job offered Cody full benefits, but also great training and tremendous natural supports.
In the follow up with Owner/Manager Brian Davis, he shared that he’s “enjoying having Cody aboard, and has enjoyed seeing him progress so quickly in such a short period of time.” Brian also mentioned he looks forward to our business relationship and assisting to provide employment to future candidates.
Congratulations Cody!!
We want to thank our Spokane team for making this happen and to ServiceMaster Clean for changing the face of employment!