Join the AtWork! Board of Directors!

You can make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities.

AtWork! is seeking talented and motivated people of diverse identities (people with disabilities, BIPOC, LGBTQ+) to join our nonprofit’s Governing Board of Directors. Since its inception, AtWork! has provided job coaching for people with disabilities employed by many of the most prestigious companies in Washington State.

As an AtWork! Board Member, you have the responsibilities of all governing boards: Establishing Identity by setting vision and direction, planning, and advocating. Ensuring resources that include enhancing our public standing. Providing oversight of program effectiveness and outcomes; as well as financial, legal, and ethical matters.

Partner in the movement for equity and justice for people with disabilities (particularly those with intellectual and developmental disabilities) and impact public policy, systems, and societal norms that promote inclusion and full, meaningful lives for everyone.


  • Develop and monitor the strategic planning for the agency.

  • Develop and monitor policies that guide the operation of the agency and the Board.

  • Communicate the agency’s mission to the community and advocate on its behalf.

  • Approve an annual budget and monitor the financial management of the agency.

  • Individually make financial contributions to the agency and actively participate in fundraising activities on behalf of the agency.

  • Ensure legal and ethical accountability of the agency and its activities.

  • Determine the merit and strength of programs engaged in by the agency.

Are You:

  • Deeply connected to the disability community?
  • Supportive and willing to express your own opinion or expertise on a subject matter?
  • Committed to learning?
  • Always prepared for meetings with a propensity for participation?
  • A dedicated community member who may have served on boards or worked with charities in the past?
  • Ready to create and influence inclusion that embraces all people of all abilities?


Board meetings are scheduled for the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00pm and are conducted virtually. AtWork! holds meetings for 9 months of the year. Board committees meet more frequently, based on their specific assignments as defined by the Board of Directors.


Members of the Board are elected by the Board of Directors currently in office. Terms are for three (3) years and a Director may serve up to two (2) successive terms. Individual Board members are asked by the President of the Board to serve on one or more committees of the Board.

Join the Team... Become a Leader.

Interested in joining our team? Fill out the contact form below and a current member of our Board will connect with you!